Taking you from the foundations to the frontiers

  • Get 20% off the collection prices today! Enter code EARLY24 before adding to your basket to redeem the discount. Offer only available until 31st October.
  • Science Trove contains around 230 science textbooks: explore the collections now
  • Includes high-quality publishing across chemistry and bioscience
  • Features bestselling authors and market-leading textbooks
  • Subject collections offer unbeatable value
  • Access wherever, whenever, and on whatever device
  • Show all books in my subscription 

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Welcome to Science Trove

Science Trove is a single destination that provides online access to science textbooks from Oxford University Press, offering a breadth of material to support students throughout their undergraduate studies.

Bringing together around 230 titles and featuring market-leading chemistry and bioscience content - including titles enhanced with interactive functionality - Science Trove enhances and supports your students' learning experience.

Want to take a closer look?

Your local Campus Representative can tell you about all the features, tips, and tricks that will make Science Trove work for you and your students. For further information, to arrange trial access, to request a demonstration, or to enquire about purchasing options Contact Us today.

Get the most out of Science Trove

Sign up for a 30 minute webinar to get the most out of your Science Trove subscription. Hosted by a product expert, the webinar will cover everything you need to know about Science Trove's tools and features to help support you through your science degree. From logging in to accessing self-test resources, this webinar will ensure that you can use Science Trove to help you achieve your highest potential at university.

Sign up for a webinar below:

Date Time   
Tuesday 22nd October 10am Sign up
Thursday 24th October 2pm Sign up
Monday 28th October 11am Sign up
Wednesday 30th October 1pm Sign up
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Why Science Trove?

  • Excellent value for money in one subscription
  • A wide range of enhanced materials including videos, interactive learning materials, and self-testing resources
  • Delve deep into the content using the powerful search facility
  • Personalize your experience by saving content, searches, and annotations

Which titles are available?

Titles on Science Trove include:

  • Market-leading titles Atkins' Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Chemistry3
  • The Oxford Chemistry Primers series
  • Our new flagship bioscience text, Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life
  • The Fundamentals of Biomedical Science series
  • The Oxford Biology Primer series
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Complete Bioscience Collection

The Complete Bioscience Collection provides students with access to around 100 bioscience titles, facilitating a rounded and complete study of undergraduate bioscience. 

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Complete Chemistry Collection

The Complete Chemistry Collection encourages broader reading, providing access to all the textbooks students need to engage with course content at a deeper level and succeed in their undergraduate studies.