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Vertebrate Life

Vertebrate Life (Eleventh Edition)

F. Harvey Pough, William E. Bemis, Betty Mcguire, and Christine M. Janis
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date: 15 September 2024

16. p. 361Turtleslocked

16. p. 361Turtleslocked

  • F. Harvey Pough, F. Harvey PoughProfessor Emeritus, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • William E. Bemis, William E. BemisProfessor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Faculty Curator of Ichthyology, Cornell University
  • Betty McguireBetty McguireSenior Lecturer, Cornell University
  • , and Christine M. JanisChristine M. JanisProfessor Emerita of Biology, Brown University, USA, Honorary Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK


This chapter notes the unique structure of turtles. The unique body form of turtles makes them immediately recognizable, but their anatomical rearrangements have obscured morphological characteristics which are used to determine evolutionary affinities among other vertebrates. The shells of different turtle species reveal their habitat and lifestyle of living in terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments. The chapter discusses the form, diversity, social behavior, reproduction, and migration of turtles. It then acknowledges how more than half of the extant species of turtles are facing extinction as they are not safe from humans even though they are relatively safe from natural predators.

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