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Introductory Statistical Mechanics

Introductory Statistical Mechanics (Second Edition)

Roger Bowley and Mariana Sánchez
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date: 15 September 2024

p. 11. The first law of thermodynamicslocked

p. 11. The first law of thermodynamicslocked

  • Roger BowleyRoger BowleyDepartment of Physics University of Nottingham
  • , and Mariana Sánchez


This chapter introduces classical thermodynamics, which is based on empirical principles resulting from experimental observation. One such principle is that heat and work are both forms of energy and that energy is always conserved, which provides the basis for the first law of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics is based on the principle that heat flows from a hotter to a colder body. The principles of thermodynamics only use macroscopic concepts, such as temperature and pressure, and are justified by their success in explaining experimental observations. The chapter outlines two objectives in the statistical approach: deriving the laws of thermodynamics and deriving the formulae for properties of macroscopic systems. It provides a brief summary of the foundations and essential ideas of the first law of thermodynamics.

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