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Introductory Statistical Mechanics

Introductory Statistical Mechanics (Second Edition)

Roger Bowley and Mariana Sánchez
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date: 15 September 2024

p. 21010. Fermi and Bose particleslocked

p. 21010. Fermi and Bose particleslocked

  • Roger BowleyRoger BowleyDepartment of Physics University of Nottingham
  • , and Mariana Sánchez


This chapter reviews the techniques of the grand canonical ensemble to give an exact treatment for both Bose and Fermi particles. It looks at the results of Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics for the average number of particles in sufficiently high temperatures and in a single-particle state for both fermions and bosons. It also examines the exclusion principle in Fermi particles, which means that there cannot be two particles in the same single-particle state, while there is no such restriction for Bose particles. The chapter clarifies that the resulting formulae for the average number of particles in a single-particle state are different at low temperatures. It describes Fermi particles at low temperatures that have a large kinetic energy, an energy which can be much larger than the interaction between particles.

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