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Making the Transition to University Chemistry

Making the Transition to University Chemistry

Michael Clugston, Malcolm Stewart, and Fabrice Birembaut
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date: 11 February 2025

p. 121 Chapter 13 The Halogenslocked

p. 121 Chapter 13 The Halogenslocked

  • Michael Clugston, Michael Clugstonformerly Tonbridge School
  • Malcolm StewartMalcolm StewartUniversity of Oxford
  • , and Fabrice BirembautFabrice BirembautCaen, France


This chapter discusses the halogens, also known as either Group 17 or Group VII. It also notes the exception of featuring astatine due to its high radioactivity. The physical properties of the halogens range between the melting points, boiling points, atomic radius, ionic radius, electronegativity, ionization energy, and dispersion forces. Additionally, the oxidizing ability of the halogens decreases in positivity, while the reducing ability of the halide ions increases. Fluorine is known to be exceptionally strongly oxidizing. Aqueous halide ions are tested by adding aqueous silver nitrate acidified with dilute nitric acid. An equilibrium is set up when chlorine dissolves in water.

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