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Making the Transition to University Chemistry

Making the Transition to University Chemistry

Michael Clugston, Malcolm Stewart, and Fabrice Birembaut
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date: 21 January 2025

p. 162 Chapter 18 Hydrocarbons: Alkeneslocked

p. 162 Chapter 18 Hydrocarbons: Alkeneslocked

  • Michael Clugston, Michael Clugstonformerly Tonbridge School
  • Malcolm StewartMalcolm StewartUniversity of Oxford
  • , and Fabrice BirembautFabrice BirembautCaen, France


This chapter focuses on alkenes, which are known to be unsaturated hydrocarbons with a carbon-carbon double bond. Ethene is known to be the simplest alkene, this is closely followed by propane. Alkenes undergo electrophilic addition reactions. This involves the addition of hydrogen halides, acidified water, and halogens. The chapter explains the Markovnikov's rule wherein the alkene and adduct are unsymmetrical. This is something which two isomers could form. Markovnikov's rule refers to the more stable carbocation forms carrying a positive charge with three bonds. The chapter also explicates the addition of a neutral molecule to ethene which is largely similar to the electrophilic addition of molecules under acidic conditions.

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