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Food and Sustainability

Food and Sustainability

Paul Behrens, Thijs Bosker, and David Ehrhardt
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date: 10 November 2024

p. 1898. Nutrition

How are diets linked to environmental impacts?locked

p. 1898. Nutrition

How are diets linked to environmental impacts?locked

  • Jessica Kiefte-de Jong
  • , and Paul BehrensPaul BehrensLeiden University College The Hague, Leiden University and Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University


This chapter explores the environmental impacts of diets. It starts by outlining the key components of diets, including macronutrients and micronutrients. Then the chapter examines malnutrition and links it to health impacts and the prevalence of major diseases around the world. Next, it looks at how diets have changed around the world in response to the alleviation of poverty and the global increase of incomes. The chapter also describes the impact of different food types on the environment, and how these may change in the future. It tackles alternative diets such as vegetarianism, veganism, and entomophagy. Lastly, the chapter outlines a case study on nationally recommended diets.

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