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Cell Signalling

Cell Signalling

John T. Hancock
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date: 09 September 2024

p. 453. Modifications to Proteins That Control Cell Signallinglocked

p. 453. Modifications to Proteins That Control Cell Signallinglocked

  • John T. HancockJohn T. HancockProfessor of Cell Signalling, University of the West of England, Bristol


This chapter explores why post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins are important and analyses the action and consequences of phosphorylation. It cites examples of cell signalling that involve phosphorylation and demonstrates the role of other modifications of proteins and their ramifications for protein function. It also discusses the importance of proteins in cells, as they may have a structural role as keratin and collagen or catalytic roles that involve metabolism. The chapter outlines the levels of control that are available to cells in order to ensure that the levels of actions of proteins are appropriate. It points out how cells can control the rates of expression of the genes that encode proteins.

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