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Thrive in Human Physiology

Thrive in Human Physiology (Fifth Edition)

Ian Kay and Gethin Evans
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date: 09 September 2024

p. 112. The nervous systemlocked

p. 112. The nervous systemlocked

  • Ian KayIan KayAssociate Head of School, School of Healthcare Science, Manchester Metropolitan University
  •  and Gethin EvansGethin EvansSenior Lecturer, School of Healthcare Science, Manchester Metropolitan University


This chapter talks about the fundamental role of the nervous system, which is control and coordination. It describes neurons as the functional elements of the nervous system. Neurons are supported by a second group of cells called glial cells, whose role purpose is to support neurons and ensure that they function effectively. It also reviews neural control. This is characterized by its electrical mediation, its rapidity, and its duration of response. The chapter discusses neurons as being characterized by a large resting membrane potential, the polarity of which is reversed during an action potential. It demonstrates how neurons communicate with each other by the release of chemical compounds called neurotransmitters.

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