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Plants, Genes & AgricultureSustainability through Biotechnology

Plants, Genes & Agriculture: Sustainability through Biotechnology

Maarten J. Chrispeels and Paul Gepts
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date: 09 September 2024

p. 60422. Sustainable Food Production in the 21st Centurylocked

p. 60422. Sustainable Food Production in the 21st Centurylocked

  • Maarten J. ChrispeelsMaarten J. ChrispeelsUniversity of California, San Diego


This chapter discusses sustainable food production in the 21st century. Because virtually all available productive land is already being cultivated, the only way to significantly increase food production is through agricultural intensification: increasing the amount of crop produced per acre. Closing the yield gap, especially on smallholder farms, is essential to feeding humanity. Both breeding better crops through genetics and better agronomic practices are needed to close the yield gap. Research and education at all levels are also necessary. Moreover, all countries need to diminish the amount of food that is spoiled and otherwise wasted. Ultimately, creating a sustainable world will require decreasing the impact of agriculture on climate change.

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