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Cover The Cell

Geoffrey M. Cooper and Kenneth W. Adams

The Cell contains five parts. The first part, Part I, introduces the topic with fundamentals and foundations including an examination of molecules and membranes, bioenergetics, metabolism, and genomics. Part II is about the flow of genetic information. It looks at genes and genomes, replication, maintenance, RNA synthesis, RNA processing, protein synthesis, processing, and regulation. The third part is about cell structure and function. It looks at the nucleus, the plasma membrane, and cell walls amongst other topics. The final part, Cell Regulation, looks at cell signaling, the cell cycle, cell renewal and cell death, and cancer.


Cover Cell Structure and Function

Edited by Guy Orchard and Brian Nation

Cell Structure & Function starts by introducing cell structure, molecular construction, and communication strategies. It looks at techniques for studying cells; anatomy, embryology, and cell families; blood cell genesis; nerves; and lungs. Next it turns to the alimentary canal, cells and commercial bacteria of the alimentary canal, and the cells of the vascular and lymphatic systems. There is then a chapter on connective tissue, bones, cartilage, and muscle. Next, the text deals with the cells of the liver and kidney, reproductive cells and gametogenesis, and the endocrine system. Finally, the book looks at the cells of the skin.