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  • Biological Sciences x
  • Zoology and Animal Sciences x
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Cover Animal Developmental Biology
Animal Development Biology introduces the subject of developmental biology through a wide range of organisms, offering insights into the fundamental principles that shape life's diverse and extraordinary forms. It covers all the essential topics, including cell biology, cell signalling, cell specialization, the genomic control of development, evidence for evolution, and cell ageing and death. The chapters present different aspects of developmental biology, providing a robust basis for understanding the molecular and morphological events that occur during embryo development, but that are also important in adult homeostasis, regeneration, and disease. It looks into the secrets of stem cells, the marvels of regeneration, and the paradox of how a broadly conserved genome can support the biodiversity we see throughout the natural world.


Cover Zoo Animals

Geoff Hosey, Vicky Melfi, and Sheila Pankhurst

Zoo Animals starts with an introduction to the topic. It then moves to look at the history and philosophy of zoos: why do we have zoos? The book explains that, since there is a certain amount of regulation associated with zoos, zoos have to consider animal identification and record-keeping, housing and husbandry, and animal welfare in their work. It also covers environmental enrichment, small population management, conservation, health, feeding, and nutrition. Finally, the text examines people in zoos and looks towards future research.