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Cover Developmental Biology

Michael J. F. Barresi and Scott F. Gilbert

Development Biology presents exciting developments in this field. The first few chapters look at patterns and processes of becoming and provides a framework for understanding animal development. The text then turns to an examination of gametogenesis and fertilization. The next few chapters tackle early development: cleavage, gastrulation, and axis formation. There follow chapters about building with ectoderm and building with mesoderm and endoderm. The next few chapters cover postembryonic development. Finally, the last part looks at development in wider context including an examination of development in health and disease, and the environment, and evolution.


Cover Principles of Development

Lewis Wolpert, Cheryll Tickle, Alfonso Martinez Arias, Peter Lawrence, and James Locke

Principles of Development starts off by presenting some background history and basic concepts. The next chapterIt then looks at is about the Ddrosophila life cycle and the development of the body plan. Other topics covered include vertebrate life cycles, experimental techniques and human development, and the vertebrate body plan for Xenopus and zebrafish and the chick and mouse. Other chapters look at the development of nematodes and sea urchins, morphogenesis, cell differentiation and stem cells, and germ cells, fertilization and sex. The text then goes on to look at organogenesis, the development of the nervous system, and the growth, post-embryonic development, and regeneration. Finally, the text looks at plant life cycle and development, evolution, and development.