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Cover Genetic Analysis
Genetic Analysis applies the combined power of molecular biology, genetics, and genomics to explore how the principles of genetics can be used as analytical tools to solve biological problems. Opening with a brief overview of key genetic principles, model organisms, and epigenetics, the book goes on to explore the use of gene mutations and the analysis of gene expression and activity. A discussion of the genetic structure of natural populations follows, before the interaction of genes during suppression and epistasis, how we study gene networks, and personalized genomics are considered.


Cover Genetics

Philip Meneely, Rachel Dawes Hoang, Rachel Dawes Hoang, Iruka N. Okeke, and Katherine Heston

Genetics begins with an evaluation of evolution, genomes, and genes. It looks at the Central Dogma of molecular biology. Other topics covered include genome structure, organization, and variation; descent and modification; single-gene traits; mendelian genetics; x-linked genes; sex chromosomes; and the inheritance of multiple genes. The book also looks at genes in chromosomes, genetic maps, human genetic mapping, exchange, evolution, and transcription. Finally, there are chapters on networks of gene regulation, genetic analysis of cellular processes, genetics of population, and metagenomes.


Cover Genomics

Lia Chappell, Sarah J Lindsay, Phil Jones, Julian Parkhill, Jonathan Roberts, Nancy Holroyd, Michal Szpak, and Francesca Gale

Genomics starts with a look at rare diseases from a genomics perspective. It then moves on to consider cancer genomics. There follows a chapter about genomes and ethics. Pathogen genomics is also examined in detail. There is also a chapter on parasite genomics. Human evolution is considered next. Finally, reading and writing genomes is looked into.


Cover Introduction to Genomics
Introduction to Genomics provides insight into many topics in the field of genomics, including the similarities and differences between organisms, how different organisms evolved, and how our understanding of genomics may inform human health and well-being in the future. After a general introduction, the book looks at the human genome project before turning its attention to mapping, sequencing, annotation, and databases. It also looks at evolution and genomic change. The text examines the following topics in more detail: the genomes of prokaryotes and viruses, the genomes of eukaryotes, and comparative genomics. It looks at the impact of genomics on human health and disease and the relationship between genomics and anthropology. Finally transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and systems biology are considered.


Cover Molecular Biology of RNA

David Elliott and Michael Ladomery

Molecular Biology of RNA provides an overview of a cutting-edge field of biology. It starts with an introduction to the subject. It looks at how RNA can form versatile structures. It moves on to consider catalytic RNAs. Other topics covered include pre-mRNA splicing by the spliceosome, the RNA-binding proteins, pre-mRNA splicing defects found in development and disease, and co-transcriptional pre-mRNA processing. The text also looks at nucleocytoplasmic traffic of messenger RNA, messenger RNA localization, and translation of messenger RNA. It also examines stability and degradation of mRNA and RNA editing. Finally, the text provides an analysis on biogenesis and nucleocytoplasmic traffic of non-coding RNAs; the 'macro' RNAs, which include long non-coding RNAs and epigenetics; and the short non-coding RNAs and gene silencing. The text ends with a quick look at future perspectives.


Cover Thrive in Genetics

Alison Thomas

Thrive in Genetics starts off by considering the following topics: chromosomes and cellular reproduction, the principles of Mendelian inheritance, and eukaryotic gene mapping. There are also chapters on quantitative genetics, the genetics of bacteria, viruses, and organelles. Therein follow chapters on the biochemical basis of heredity, genotypes, phenotype I, phenotype II, and how to control gene expression. There are also chapters on gene mutations, chromosome mutations, the genetics of populations, and working with genes.