Thrive in Human Physiology provides an initial introduction to human physiology. It then looks at control and co-ordination in terms of the nervous system and the endocrine system. It moves on to musculoskeletal physiology and movement, cardiovascular physiology, respiratory physiology, renal physiology, gastrointestinal physiology, reproductive physiology, and integrative physiology.
Arthur M. Lesk
Introduction to Bioinformatics starts off by introducing the topic. It then looks at genetics and genomes. It moves on to consider the panorama of life. The text also considers alignments and phylogenetic trees. There is a chapter on structural bioinformatics and drug discovery. The text also examines scientific publications and archives, particularly media, content, access, and presentation. Artificial intelligence is considered as well, in addition to machine learning. There is an introduction to systems biology that follows towards the end. The book's final chapters look at metabolic pathways and control of organization.
The physiology of nutrient digestion and absorption
George Grimble
This chapter explores the physiology of nutrient digestion and absorption. It explains how the gastrointestinal tract provides a linear sequence of events resulting in the hydrolysis of dietary carbohydrates, triacylglycerols, and proteins, and the absorption of the products of digestion. The processes of digestion and absorption occur in the gastrointestinal tract, which is the largest endocrine organ in the body that houses a large part of the immune system and the colonic microbiome. Since most digestive and absorptive processes are duplicated, impairment of one process by disease does not necessarily lead to complete malabsorption of a particular nutrient. The chapter explains how luminal nutrients play a role in the regulation of food intake that maintains intestinal integrity and immune defences.